Hour of CodeTM at Modulo Code Lesson Plan
The future of our world is being written in code. Computer literacy in the modern world means not only one’s ability to use, but also to write software.

Grades: 5-12
Technical Requirements: PC with Windows 10TM operating system
Objectives: Learn to write code with basic programming concepts
Duration: 45 minutes – 1 hour
The future of our world is being written in code. Computer literacy in the modern world means not only one’s ability to use, but also to write software. In this Hour of CodeTM activity, we will explore the basics of coding through the use of Modulo Code, a computer program that simulates three-dimensional computer game puzzles whose solutions require the user to write proper code to move the robot.
The level of difficulty of the Modulo Code’s puzzles progresses from easy to hard with tutorials interleaving the puzzles along the way. The entire lesson can be broken down into four stages.
- Basic commands and debugging. Students learn how to work with the code editor to type basic commands to move the robot forward and turn. They learn how to inspect their own code with basic debugging technique.
- Units of work. Functions are blocks of code that carry out specific tasks. Students learn how to use functions to break up a problem into reusable units of work.
- Loops and repetitions. Loops repeat code inside it. Students learn how to solve repetitive problems using loops. They learn that loops can be combined with functions to build more compact code that is easier to understand.
- Conditionals. Students learn how to write code that adapts to a changing situation using conditional logic.
“Functions are blocks of code that carry out specific tasks. Students learn how to use functions to break up a problem into reusable units of work.“
Preparations: Make sure to download and install Modulo Code app on the student’s computers ahead of time. The app can only be installed on PC with Windows 10TM operating system with a Microsoft Account. Review and complete the activity yourself so that you know how much time will be needed to complete each stage as the students work through it. Use our solution guides to anticipate the kind of questions that may arise during the activity. We recommend that you print out the certificate of completion ahead of time, for each student, to hand out at the end of the activity.
Getting Started (5 minutes): Kick off your Hour of CodeTM activity by inspiring students and discussing how computer science impact every part of our lives. Show one of code.org’s inspirational videos to frame the discussion. For grade 5-8 students, we recommend “The Hour of Code is Here” and for older students, we recommend “Anybody Can Learn”.
Activity (45 minutes): Facilitate and support your students to complete the activity either individually or in small groups. If the classroom has a shared screen or projector, it’s a good idea to go through each tutorial puzzle together as a class. Each Modulo Code’s tutorial is designed to explain one concept at a time. It’s okay to say “I don’t know. Lets work on it together” or “Learning to code is like learning a new language; you won’t be fluent right away”. Students who finish the activity ahead of time should feel free to continue with the full version of the Modulo Code’s “Code E.D.” lesson.
Wrap-Up (5-10 minutes): Debrief the activity. Celebrate and pass out certificates. Share photos and videos of your Hour of CodeTM activity on social media. Use #HourOfCode, #ModuloCode and @codeorg so we can highlight your success too!